Project Details
[Return to Previous Page]A Capillary Array Container
Company: Restek Corporation
Primary: ME
Secondary: IE
Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES
Intellectual Property: YES
Figure 1 illustrates the design project. Our current assembly is an array of 12 fused silica capillaries, housed in a plastic tube container. The capillaries are sealed into the container with epoxy, and the terminal ends of the capillaries protrude from the container. We are looking for: (1) a design that cleanly cuts twelve fused silica capillaries in the cutting mechanism region as illustrated in the figure. This function is driven by a simple hand operation by the user, e.g., by twisting, pushing, squeezing, etc. the cutting mechanism. (2) a cap design that encloses the capillary array ends in the cap device region. During storage of the assembly, the terminal capillary ends are protected by a cap that is removably attached to the plastic tube container. The cutting mechanism may be integrated into either the cap device or the plastic tube container. The capillaries are to be cut as part of the function of removing the cap. We want both the removal of the cap and the cutting of the capillaries to be achieved in a single action. Preferably, the sheared pieces of the capillary ends are retained by the cap device after removal. (3) We are also interested in a manufacturing means to make the finished 12-Capillary Assembly. Initial forecasted volumes are 50,000 units/year, scalable to 500,000 units/year. Target price for the entire assembly is <$12.00. To facilitate the cap / cutting mechanism designs, modification of the existing plastic tube and (to a lesser extent) the geometry of the 12 capillary array is permitted. Currently, the radial geometry of the capillary array potted in the epoxy is circular (Figure 2). Only at the epoxy region are the capillaries anchored. They are individually separate in the cap device region. This capillary arrangement is also negotiable in the final design. Restek will provide additional details regarding the capillary and enclosure materials. Restek will provide materials and engineering resources for the duration of this project