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T.H.E. Tool

Company: Custom Created LLC.

Primary: ME
Secondary: IE

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

T.H.E. Team II- Team will focus on working with past team (Fall 2024) prototype designs to finalize base design. Background of design: Invasive species globally have been estimated to cost $1.288 trillion over the past 50 years (Zenni, R.D. et al. 2021). These pests come in various forms such as mammals, insects, plants, and reptiles. Plants are a type of invasive species that can be directly addressed without the need of following/baiting as they are sedentary. T.H.E. Tool is designed with a focus on terrestrial invasive plant removal. Having the ability to remove these destructive species manually, we can follow integrated-pest management (IPM) suggestions of mechanical removal without the need for chemical interventions. The current market for invasive plant pullers are typically bulky and not the best solution for aging landowners, who on average are 57 in the state of Pennsylvania (PSU Resources for Woodland Owners). The need for a tool that is easy to use and able to help provide other uses such as planting of native species is ideal to increase the ability of land owners/managers to properly work their land without having to pay others or resort to expensive and environmental unfriendly interventions. This tool will incorporate experience with mechanical invasive species removal and a continual “need” for a device that can make the work of removal less physically taxing so one can work longer and remove more invasive plants in less time. Customer segment(s): Private land owners, land managers, local, state, and federal land management organizations Target species: Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), European barberry(Berberis vulgaris), multi-flora rose (Rosa multiflora) bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.), autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), privet (Lingustrum spp.), burning bush (Euonymus alatus) Target size: 12”-36” height, ¼”-1” diameter, 1-5 years old Estimated price: 80$ for base, 30$ for weed puller attachment Deliverables: Base of tool- This will provide a lightweight, collapsible foundation to use with multiple attachments. Invasive puller attachment (The Claw) - This attachment will slide into the bottom of T.H.E. Tool base and provide a unique opportunity to remove multi-stem invasive forest plants.



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The Learning Factory

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802