Project Details

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Modelling a Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing Process

Company: PSU Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 1

Primary: IE
Secondary: CMPSC
Optional: ME

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

In this project, students will explore the intersection of image processing and predictive modeling within the context of Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Additive Manufacturing (AM). The primary task involves analyzing images of deposition profiles to automatically measure the width and height of deposits under varying laser power and scanning velocities. These measurements will then be used to develop a predictive model, which could be AI-based or utilize other modeling techniques, to forecast the deposited dimensions. This project aims to enhance understanding of DED AM processes and improve the accuracy of deposition predictions, contributing to advancements in manufacturing technology.



The Learning Factory is the maker space for Penn State’s College of Engineering. We support the capstone engineering design course, a variety of other students projects, and provide a university-industry partnership where student design projects benefit real-world clients.

The Learning Factory

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802